Course Description

We will study different methods and techniques in Machine Learning, Statistical Inference, Natural Language Processing, and Deep Learning. Topics will include motivation and exploration of: different machine learning models, techniques for data transformation and model evaluation. Students will have the opportunity to complete projects for different objectives such as enhancing research understanding, participating in machine learning competitions or prepare for a machine learning internship in industry.

Faculty Sponsor

Class Time and Location

Spring quarter (April - June, 2017).
Time: Tuesdays-Thursdays 5:00-6:00
Location: CCS 143

Office Hours

Just email us to meet!

Contact Info



Event TypeDateDescriptionCourse Materials
Lecture April 4, 2017 Logistics
Lecture April 6, 2017 Introduction to Machine Learning [Intro to Machine Learning Slides]
Lecture April 11, 2017 Probablity, Linear Algebra, Linear Regression [Probability Slides]
[Linear Algebra Slides]
[Linear Regression Slides]
Lecture April 13, 2017 Linear Regression [Linear Regression Slides]
[Matrix Calculus Reference]
Lecture April 15, 2017 No Class, Faculty Lecture
Lecture April 18, 2017 Linear Regression, Logistic Regression [Linear Regression Slides]
[Logistic Regression Slides]
[Andrew Ng's Lecture Notes]
Lecture April 20, 2017 Generative -vs- Discriminative Models, GDA, Naive Bayes [Generative -vs- Discriminative Slides]
[GDA and Naive Bayes Slides]
[Andrew Ng's Lecture Notes]
Lecture April 22, 2017 Kevin out of town, Daniel will lead project discussion
Lecture April 27, 2017 iPython Notebooks, Scikit-Learn, GDA, QDA, Logistic Regression, and Linear Regression Examples
Lecture May 2, 2017 Decision Trees and their Ensembles
Lecture May 4, 2017 Neural Networks [Neural Net Slides]
Lecture May 9, 2017 Model Assessment: ROC Curves, Confusion Matrices, F1Score [Model Assessment Slides]
Lecture May 11, 2017 Linear Dimensionality Reduction: PCA and SVD [Dimensionality Reduction Slides]
Lecture May 16, 2017 Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
Lecture May 18, 2017 Guest Lecture: Nonconvex Optimization
Lecture May 23, 2017 Clustering
Lecture May 25, 2017 Model Selection and Hyperparameter Tuning
Lecture May 30, 2017 Cross-Validation, Model Selection, and Hyperparameter Tuning
Lecture June 1, 2017 SVMs
Lecture June 6, 2017 Project Presentations
Lecture June 8, 2017 Project Presentations